
Christian Sandström is Associate Professor of Innovation Management at Chalmers University of Technology and the Ratio Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

Professor Sandström’s research concerns innovation management and policy. His doctoral thesis (2010) dealt with disruptive innovation and more recent publications have covered the interplay between technological and institutional change. Sandström has been a visiting scholar at Victoria University in New Zealand, ETH in Switzerland and the University of Cambridge.

His research has been published in journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Technology Transfer, Journal of Business Research. On numerous occasions, Sandström has spoken to Swedish Parliament regarding innovation policy. In 2018, he received the Pedagogical Prize at Chalmers University of Technology for innovative teaching methods

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Karl Wennberg is chaired Professor of Organization and Entrepreneurship at Linköping University, and also research fellow at the House of Innovation, Stockholm School of economics and at the Ratio Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

Professor Wennberg’s research deals with entrepreneurship, regional economic development and innovation policy. His doctoral thesis (2009) received the Academy of Management’s prize for best thesis in entrepreneurship. He has been postdoctoral scholar at Imperial College London and visiting scholar at Stanford University, Griffiths University (Australia) and Universidad Pablo Olavide (Spain).

He has published 10 books, 100+ policy whitepapers and over 50 peer reviewed journals on the aforementioned topics in journals such as Research Policy, Management Science, Journal of Business Venturing and Industrial and Corporate Change, and consulted for the EU, the OECD, and the Swedish government om entrepreneurship and innovation policy

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Nils Karlson is the founding president and CEO of the Ratio institute in Stockholm, Sweden. He is an economist and political scientist, a Professor at Linköping University, working in the fields of institutional economics, political theory, public choice, industrial relations and constitutional political economy. Prior to Ratio he was the president of the City University of Stockholm. After postgraduate studies in economics at George Mason University and in political science at Uppsala University he worked as a university lecturer, government advisor and editorial writer. He has led numerous research projects and has published over 25 books with Swedish and international academic publishers, as well as a large number academic papers and book chapters. He is a board member of the Mont Pelerin Society and is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

His research is focused on the interaction between politics, markets and civil society in Western democracies and welfare states. Major interests in statecraft and liberal, welfare-enhancing reform, constitutional design and consequences of welfare state expansion. Special interests in labour market models and collective bargaining, education and skills formation, virtue ethics, entrepreneurship and market processes, and the future of the European Union.

You can read the full CV here, or read more about his research here.

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