We would like to thank and recognize the following sponsors for their generous support of the Mont Pelerin Society’s special meeting in Stockholm 2017.
The Saara and Björn Wahlroos Foundation
The Saara and Björn Wahlroos foundation was established in 2002 to support and encourage research and debate on financial and social issues. Based on its endowment, it provides grants and other means of support to scholars, researchers, journalists and others engaged in public debate or scholarly work on pertinent social and economic issues.
Stena AB
Since the start in 1939 Stena has developed into an international group of companies with business activities all over the world. Activities today are spread over several areas: ferry routes, shipping, offshore drilling, property, finance plus recycling, environmental services and trade.
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise together with employer trade and industry associations is the leading enterprise organisation in Sweden. Today the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and 49 member organisations work for about 60,000 member companies employing more than 1,500,000 people.
Spendrups Bryggeri AB
Spendrups Bryggeri AB is a Swedish brewery founded in 1897 as Grängesbergs Bryggeri AB. The company includes the following subsidiaries Spring Wine & Spirits, Gotland Bryggeri and Hellefors Bryggeri.