Jonas Grafström
Ph.D. and vice CEO
EmployeesJonas Grafström, PhD, is a researcher in economics and Vice CEO at the Ratio Institute.
He is a visiting fellow at Oxford Institute for Energy Studies and Luleå University of Technology and associated to AI-Econ-Lab at Örebro University.
His research takes place at the crossroads between environmental economics and environmental technology. His dissertation (Technological Change in the Renewable Energy Sector: Essays on Knowledge Spillovers and Convergence) focused on technological change in the renewable energy sector.
Jonas Grafström also researches the labor market of the future. Among other things, he has studied how digitalization and technological change affect the labor market, in this subject he is currently working on the book Modern Times 4.0. In the environmental field he and Christian Sandström has written the book (Much) More for Less -How sustainable is Swedish economic growth?
Other research interests include the conditions for large-scale capture of carbon dioxide (CCS technology), the labor market after Covid, and the Chinese wind power sector.