Academic conference: The Impact of AI on White Collar Work
NewsIn June 2022, the conference “The Impact of AI on White Collar Work” took place. It was organized by the international and interdisciplinary research network AI-Econ Lab, to which Ratio is a partner institute.
The theme of the conference was impacts of AI on the labour market, with a focus on AI in white collar work. Twelve studies were presented. What professions, skills and abilities will be demanded in the future labour market and which ones will disappear? How are wages affected by these changes? Does technology replace or complement people? Which groups are particularly exposed to the possible automation effects of the new technology? How do people move within and between local urban labor markets, and what role does their knowledge and skills play in their ability to move around in the labor market? What happens to remote work during and after the pandemic?
The conference was attended by 21 researchers, including 8 phd students, from fields such as economics, computer science, statistics and informatics. The researchers came from three continents and seven countries.
The conference was organized at Örebro University in collaboration with the Ratio Insitute, with funding from Tom Hedelius and Jan Wallander’s research foundations. Organizers were Magnus Lodefalk, Hildegunn Kyvik-Nordås, Martin Längkvist, Sarah Schroeder and Holger Görg.