Is Entrepreneurship a Route Out of Deprivation?
This paper investigates whether entrepreneurship constitutes a route out of deprivation for those living in deprived areas. The measure of income/wealth used is based on an analysis of improvements in an individual’s residential address. The data consist of information on over 800 000 individuals, and come from the customer records of a major UK bank. Comparing business owners with non-owners, the results suggest that the benefits of business ownership are found across the wealth distribution. Hence, entrepreneurship can be a route out of deprivation.
Frankish, J. S., Roberts, R. G., Coad, A. & Storey, D. J. (2014). Is Entrepreneurship a Route Out of Deprivation?Regional Studies, 48(6), 1090-1107. DOI:10.1080/00343404.2013.871384