Available PhD position in Economics and Business Economics: Artificial Intelligence and Labour Markets


The Ratio Institute is together with Aarhus University searching for a doctoral student to join an international research project and the AI-Econ Lab.

Artificial Intelligence and Labour Markets

The doctoral thesis will be conducted within the framework of an international project on the impact of technological developments, but also globalisation, on the labour market for services. More specifically, artificial intelligence is expected to profoundly transform labour markets while the understanding of its effects and underlying mechanisms is limited. The project and the doctoral thesis will aim to address such limitations and provide essential insights into the future of work. The work will be conducted using micro-level data from several countries.

The project is a sub-project of the “AI-Econ Lab”, which is led by Magnus Lodefalk (Ratio and Örebro University) and Hildegunn Kyvik-Nordås (Örebro University) and involves other researchers within economics and computer science. Sarah Schroeder, who is based at the Economics Department at Aarhus University and is part of the Research Centre for Firms and Industry Dynamics (FIND), will be leading the analysis for the Danish Data. The candidate will be required/expected to spend a minimum of 12 months in Stockholm at the Ratio Institute, where she/he will be able to access Swedish micro level data. The period abroad can be flexibly split over the entire duration of the PhD study.

The project is 40 percent funded by Ratio Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

For further information about this project, please contact Assistant Professor Sarah Schroeder, Email: sschroeder@econ.au.dk

Formal requirements

You can read more about the PhD position and Aarhus University here. Read more about how to apply in the application guide and find the rules and regulations of the PhD education here.

The following criteria are decisive in the assessment of the candidates:

You can read more about the assessment procedure and committees appointed by the dean here.

Applicants are very much encouraged to supply documentation as to how they rank compared to their class (both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees). This may for example be in the form of a letter from your University stating either how you rank as an individual student compared to other students the year you graduated (”ranks as no. 6 out of 111” or ”ranks as among the best 8 percent”) or if that is not possible, general information from your University as to how grades were distributed in the year of your graduation, will be appreciated.

Please note that Aarhus BSS Graduate School reserves the right to evaluate the applications on the basis of the documentation received before deadline, and you will not necessarily be asked for further documentation. Furthermore, Aarhus BSS Graduate School reserves the right to reject application that do not comply with the limitations as stated in the application guide (see link above).

All interested candidates are encouraged to apply irrespective of personal background.

Deadline:14 September 2021
Hours per week:37
Expected date of accession:01 February 2022

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