Reaping Value from Digitalization in Swedish Manufacturing Firms
Excerpt: In this chapter, we take a fresh look at what is actually happening in the area of digitalization, with a particular focus on the Swedish manufacturing sector. […] We particularly focus upon patterns in the ways in which they seek to develop innovations and explore new business models from their activities related to product sensors and wireless data, cloud-based data warehouses, computer-aided manufacturing and 3D printing, big data technologies, and application programming interfaces (APIs). Our findings suggest that while many Swedish industrial firms have developed a strong edge through a combination of high-quality products, international presence, and decentralization, the latter in particular poses challenges when it comes to digital transformation. Digitalization may necessitate large investments across business segments, standardisation, and knowledge sharing regarding both customers and digital solutions in order to create new customer offerings. Points for reflection are then discussed, along with recommendations for scholars that are seeking to develop new and relevant knowledge by studying the transformation of Swedish industry, as well as for managers seeking to benchmark their digitalization activities to others.
Mähring, M., Wennberg, K., & Demir, R. (2018). Reaping Value from Digitalization in Swedish Manufacturing Firms: Untapped Opportunities? In P. Andersson, S. Movin, M. Mähring, R. Teigland, & K. Wennberg (Eds.), Managing Digital Transformation (pp. 39-63). Stockholm: SIR.