Skill Requirements and Employment of Immigrants in Swedish Hospitality
This chapter examines sorting of workers from various immigrant groups in Sweden into sectors and jobs comparing these patterns to jobs held by natives in the same sectors. A specific focus is put on the skill composition of jobs and how this differs among migrants’ and natives’ job sorting. We use matched data on jobs, employers, and workers in Swedish hospitality, construction, and retail sectors to document patterns of country of origin-based segmentation. Results show that immigrants primarily enter routine jobs requiring a higher level of technical skills compared to natives who are more often found in non-routine jobs requiring interpersonal skills. In construction and retail, immigrants and natives work mostly in non-routine jobs. These stark patterns of job segregation suggests that education and training efforts among migrant workers should consider the acquisition of language and interpersonal skills in addition to formal training and education.
Kazlou, A., & Wennberg, K. (2023). Skill requirements and employment of immigrants in Swedish hospitality. In Migration and Integration in a Post-Pandemic World: Socioeconomic Opportunities and Challenges.