Boklansering: Reviving Classical Liberalism against Populism

Boklansering: Reviving Classical Liberalism against Populism

Vilken roll kan liberalismen spela för att analysera och motverka det populistiska hotet mot det öppna samhället? Det diskuterar Nils Karlson, grundare Ratio, i sin nya bok Reviving Classical Liberalism against Populism. Här diskuteras hur såväl höger- som vänsterpopulister främjar autokratisering och varför populismen är så populär. Dessutom ger Karlson förslag på hur liberaler kan hantera det populistiska hotet genom att återuppliva själva liberalismen.

Välkommen till boklansering tisdagen den 30 januari! Medverkar gör utöver Karlson även Mattias Svensson, ledarskribent Svenska Dagbladet, och Ulrica Schenström, vd Fores.

Boken Reviving Classical Liberalism against Populism är utgiven av Palgrave Macmillan och finns tillgänglig att fritt ladda ner via följande länk. Boken kommer även finnas till försäljning under lanseringen.


Sagt om boken:

“One of today’s most pressing issues for classical liberals—and for centrists more generally—is the threat of populism. Nils Karlson’s book clarifies this oftentimes elusive concept and provides crucial inspirations for the embattled political center how to deal with populists from the left and the right.”

—Stefan Kolev, Ludwig Erhard Forum for Economy and Society, Berlin, and professor of political economy at the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Germany

“Authoritarian populism has emerged as the most dangerous political virus to attack the values and institutions of liberty over the past genera-tion. Across the world—from the United States to Turkey, from India to Israel—the virus has spread, with devastating consequences for the func-tionality and prestige of liberal democracies. It has weakened the free world and empowered the agents of oppression and brutality in China, Iran, and Russia. How has authoritarian populism managed to gnaw its way into the soft tissue of democratic societies? Why has it proven to be so pernicious? And how can classical liberal ideas and institutions fight back and defeat the populist virus? In Reviving Classical Liberalism against Populism Nils Karlson tackles these questions with expertise and aplomb. A must read for anyone concerned to defend liberal democracies from the menace of authoritarian populism.”

—Amichai Magen, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy, and Strategy, Reichman University, Herzliya, Israel, and Freeman-Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, USA

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