Första träffen – Österrikiska diskussionscirkelns sommarskola

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Första träffen – Österrikiska diskussionscirkelns sommarskola

Under ledning av Dan Klein, professor i nationalekonomi vid George Mason University och associerad forskare vid Ratio, kommer vi att läsa och diskutera Adam Smiths ”The Theory of Moral Sentiments”.

Läsanvisningar från Dan Klein:
Explanation of page/paragraph reference:
The paragraphs are numbered, so I refer to both pages and paragraphs:
326-327.16 means pages 326-327 paragraph 16. After the ”decimal point” comes paragraph number(s).

Everyone will be expected to have done the reading for each session. I want to lecture for part of the first session, but otherwise it will be open discussion.

1st Meeting: Enterprise Evening of Wednesday June 2:
Unlocking Some of the Mystery of TMS: Key Passages with Key Ideas

1. The four sources of moral approval: 326-327.16
Here Adam Smith is criticizing Francis Hutcheson’s doctrine of a moral sense. Smith writes that in his own system the four sources of moral approval leave no place for a further moral sense. When Smith speaks of ”the foregoing system,” he refers to his own system.
2. An indication that WN is an annex of TMS: 340-42.36-37:
3. The justices paragraphs – Or, Adam Smith’s libertarian distributive justice: 269-270.9-11 (Don’t neglect Smith’s footnote!)
4. Two Kinds of Rules: ”precise and accurate” and ”loose, vague, and indeterminate”: 175-176.11; 327.1-2.
5. ”Of Justice and Beneficence”: 78-91

And starting from the beginning:
”Advertisement” p. 3 and Part I: 9-66

Dan Kleins hemsida: http://econfaculty.gmu.edu/klein/

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