
Akademiskt entreprenörskap, Christian Sandström, Karl Wennberg


Västvärlden har upplevt ihållande arbetslöshet och avsaknad av varaktig ekonomisk återhämtning. Vi har sett hur skydd av nationella intressen vuxit fram, liksom välgrundad oro för ekonomisk ojämlikhet och globala miljöproblem.

I denna jordmån har den interventionistiska industripolitiken upplevt en renässans. Mariana Mazzucatos bok The Entrepreneurial State (2011) utgjorde tillsammans med finanskrisen startskottet för alltmer proaktiva ingrepp i ekonomin. Hennes argumentation var spännande och enkel: Staten har varit den främsta aktören bakom innovation och ekonomisk tillväxt: entreprenörer och stora företag har egentligen bara kapitaliserat på dessa satsningar.

I den här skriften granskas dessa idéer. Vårt innehåll är i flera bemärkelser en varning. Storslagna planer för att skapa önskvärda utfall har sällan ett historiskt smickrande facit. Politiken varken kan eller bör försöka satsa på specifika bolag eller teknologier. Resultatet förvränger incitamentsstrukturerna och resulterar i skadlig opportunism.

Liknande innehåll

Learning from Overrated Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies: Seven Takeaways
Henrekson, M., Sandström, C., & Stenkula, M.


Publicerat i

Springer Nature.


This chapter integrates findings from several different case studies on mission-oriented innovation policies (MOIPs) and makes use of the existing literature to briefly describe three other missions: The War on Cancer, homeownership in the United States, and the Swedish Million Program. Together with the analyses in the other chapters of this volume, seven takeaways regarding mission-oriented innovation policies are developed and described: (1) wicked problems cannot be solved through missions, (2) politicians and government agencies are not exempt from self-interest, (3) MOIPs are subject to rent seeking and mission capture, (4) policymakers lack information to design MOIPs efficiently, (5) MOIPs distort competition, (6) government support programs distort incentives and result in moral hazard, and (7) MOIPs ignore opportunity costs. These seven takeaways are illustrated using the cases described in this chapter and elsewhere in this volume.

Does local government corruption inhibit entrepreneurship?
Artikel (med peer review)Publikation
Wittberg, E., Erlingsson, G. Ó., Wennberg, K.


Publicerat i

Small Business Economics, 62(2), 775-806


The dominant ‘sand in the wheels’ view holds that entrepreneurship is strongly inhibited by corruption. Challenging this, the ‘grease the wheels’ view maintains that corruption might increase entrepreneurship in highly regulated economies. We extend the basic predictions of these theories by examining entrepreneurs’ start-up decisions, as well as their location choices, in a seemingly low-corruption environment: Swedish municipalities. Combining a validated index of corruption perceptions in local government with population data on new entrepreneurs, nested logit models reveal that even in a low-corruption setting such as Sweden, perceptions of corruption can deter latent entrepreneurs. We also find that a minority of entrepreneurs relocate from their home municipalities to establish their start-ups elsewhere. Surprisingly and contrary to expectations, these relocating entrepreneurs often relocate from relatively low-corruption municipalities to others that are more corrupt. Implications for future research and public policy are discussed.

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