Människoapans utmaning: miljö, tillväxt och vår planets framtid

Företagandets villkor, Miljöekonomi, Miljöpolitik, Niklas Elert


Mänskligheten reser sig just nu ur fattigdom och misär i en omfattning som saknar historiskt motstycke. Ekonomisk tillväxt och teknologisk utveckling har samtidigt gjort människan till en naturkraft, som sätter stora spår på planeten.

Vad händer i slutet av det här århundradet, när elva miljarder människor får samma levnadsstandard som den vi har i Sverige i dag, om inte högre? Klarar jorden det?

Budskapet i Människoapans utmaning är att ekonomisk tillväxt inte behöver vara dåligt för miljön. Tvärtom är en rikare värld på många sätt en förutsättning för en grönare tillvaro. Men det bygger på att vi förstår hur marknadsekonomin kan hjälpa oss att frigöra vår kreativitet och lära av våra misstag. Kapitalismen ger oss möjlighet att anpassa oss och åtgärda de miljöproblem vi tidigare orsakat.

Människoapans utmaning blickar mot en framtid fylld av experiment, där äganderätt, ny teknik och miljarder människoapors kreativitet räddar planeten.

Elert, N. (2014). Människoapans utmaning: miljö, tillväxt och vår planets framtid. Stockholm: Timbro.

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The Effect of Marshallian and Jacobian Knowledge Spillovers on Jobs in the Solar, Wind and Energy Efficiency Sector
Artikel (med peer review)Publikation
Aldieri, L., Grafström, J., & Vinci, C. P.


Publicerat i

Energies, 14(14), 4269.


The purpose of this paper is to establish if Marshallian and Jacobian knowledge spillovers affect job creation in the green energy sector. Whether these two effects exist is important for the number of jobs created in related fields and jobs pushed away in other sectors. In the analysis, the production efficiency, in terms of jobs and job spillovers, from inventions in solar, wind and energy efficiency, is explored through data envelopment analysis (DEA), based on the Malmquist productivity index, and tobit regression. A panel dataset of American and European firms over the period of 2002–2017 is used. The contribution to the literature is to show the role of the spillovers from the same technology sector (Marshallian externalities), and of the spillovers from more diversified activity (Jacobian externalities). Since previous empirical evidence concerning the innovation effects on the production efficiency is yet weak, the paper attempts to bridge this gap. The empirical findings suggest negative Marshallian externalities, while Jacobian externalities have no statistical impact on the job creation process. The findings are of strategic importance for governments who are developing industrial strategies for renewable energy.

Aldieri, L., Grafström, J., & Vinci, C. P. (2021). The Effect of Marshallian and Jacobian Knowledge Spillovers on Jobs in the Solar, Wind and Energy Efficiency Sector. Energies, 14(14), 4269.

An Anatomy of Failure – Wind Power Development in China
Artikel (med peer review)Publikation
Grafström, J.



China is currently the world’s largest installer of wind power. However, with twice the installed wind capacity compared to the United States in 2015, the Chinese produce less power. The question is: Why is this the case? This article shows that Chinese grid connectivity is low, Chinese firms have few international patents, and that export is low even though production capacity far exceeds domestic production needs. Using the tools of Austrian economics, China’s wind power development from 1980 to 2016 is documented and analyzed from three angles: (a) planning and knowledge problems, (b) unproductive entrepreneurship, and (c) bureaucracy and government policy. From a theoretical standpoint, both a planning problem and an entrepreneurial problem are evident where governmental policies create misallocation of resources and a hampering of technological development.

Breaking Circular Economy Barriers
Artikel (med peer review)Publikation
Grafström, J. & Aasma, S.



Despite high estimated gains of a circular economy implementation, progress on the macro, meso and micro level is sluggish. The purpose of this paper is to examine, from a theoretical economics perspective, how four barriers – technological, market, institutional and cultural – can prevent the implementation of a circular economy. The barriers that currently hinder a circular economy from developing are identified and a mapping of these barriers is performed to understand how they are interdependent and entangled. The conclusion is that even small barriers could stop the emergence of a circular economy. Even though a circular economy is different from our traditional “linear” economy, the theoretical analysis in this paper gives no reason to believe that a circular economy will not follow the same rules as a traditional economy. There will be property rights, rule of law and price signals guiding the economy. If some of the essential parts of a market are lacking, a weaker circular economy than otherwise possible will materialize.

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