Reviving Classical Liberalism Against Populism
How can we fight back against the populist threat to liberty, free markets, and the open society?
This open access book by Nils Karlson explores the strategies used by left- and right-wing populists to make populism intelligible, recognizable, and contestable. Karlson argues that to fight back requires the revival of liberalism itself by defending and developing the liberal institutions, the liberal spirit, liberal narratives, and liberal statecraft. The book presents a synthesized explanatory model for how populists promote autocratization through the deliberate polarization of society and traces the ideational roots of the core populist ideas that form a collectivistic identity politics. Written within the tradition of political theory and institutional economics, this book uses a wide variety of sources, including results and analyses from social psychology, ethics, law, and history.
The book is open source and can be downloaded through the link below.
Karlson, N. (2024). Reviving Classical Liberalism Against Populism. Palgrave Macmillan Cham.