Working Paper No. 368: The State of the Entrepreneurial State: Empirical Evidence of Mission-Led Innovation Projects around the Globe

PublikationWorking paper
Christian Sandström, Johan P. Larsson, Karl Wennberg


This paper reviews theoretical rationales for mission-oriented innovation policy and provides an empirical overview of extant 28 papers and 49 cases on the topic. We synthetize varieties of mission formulations, actors involved, and characteristics of missions described as more or less failed or successful. 59 percent of the studied missions are still ongoing, 33 percent are considered successful and 8 percent as failures. 67 percent of the studied missions have taken place in Europe, 24 percent in North America and 8 percent in Asia. The majority of innovation projects referred to as missions do not fulfill the criteria defined by the OECD. Results suggest that missions related to technological or agricultural innovations are more often successful than broader types of missions aimed at social or ecological challenges. Challenges regarding the governance and evaluation of missions remain unresolved in the literature. We find no case that contains a cost-benefit analysis or takes opportunity cost into account.

Batbaatar, M., Larsson, J. P., Sandström, C., & Wennberg, K. (2023). The State of the Entrepreneurial State: Empirical Evidence of Mission-Led Innovation Projects around the Globe. Working Paper No. 368.

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Research summary

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Managerial summary

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