Ratio TV: The Populist Threat to the Free Society

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The 2nd-4th November 2017 the Ratio Institute welcomed members of the Mont Pelerin Society to Stockholm for a special meeting on the topic The Populist Threat to the Free Society.

At the conference leading scholars discussed research papers on how to understand the rise of populism in western societies.

The speakers of the conference also generously agreed to share some of their perspectives and research in video interviews. In this list you will find leading academics discuss their research with a foreword by Professor Nils Karlson, CEO of the Ratio Institute and author of the book Statecraft and Liberal Reform in Advanced Democracies. (Palgrave Macmillan)

Nils Karlson on the Populist Threat to the Free SocietyNils Karlson on the Populist Threat to the Free Society
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Professor Nils Karlson is CEO of the Ratio Institute.

Peter Boettke at the Ratio InstitutePeter Boettke at the Ratio Institute
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Peter Boettke is a Professor of Economics at George Mason University. He is also the President of the Mont Pelerin Society. Here he discusses the reconstruction of the liberal project and the role of young scholars.

Karen Horn at the Ratio InstituteKaren Horn at the Ratio Institute
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Dr. Karen Horn is a Lecturer in the History of Economic Thought at Humboldt University. She is also the Editor and Co-President of the NOUS network. Here she discusses what populism is and if populism is a problem

Deirdre McCloskey at the Ratio InstituteDeirdre McCloskey at the Ratio Institute
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Deirdre McCloskey is a Professor Emeritus of Economics, History, English, and Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Here she discusses the economic ideas of populists and the concept of market-driven betterment.

Luigi Zingales at the Ratio InstituteLuigi Zingales at the Ratio Institute
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Luigi Zingales is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. Here he discusses populism and it’s relation to the keys to growth.

Diane Coyle at the Ratio InstituteDiane Coyle at the Ratio Institute
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Diane Coyle is a Professor of Economics at the University of Manchester. Here she discusses digitalization and welfare economics.

Lars P Feld at the Ratio InstituteLars P Feld at the Ratio Institute
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Lars P Feld is a Professor of Economics at Freiburg University and a member of the German Council of Economic Experts. He is also Co-President of the NOUS network and Director of the Walter Eucken Institute.

Benjamin Powell at the Ratio InstituteBenjamin Powell at the Ratio Institute
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Benjamin Powell is a Professor of Economics at Texas Tech University and the Director of the Free Market Institute. Here he discusses migration and its consequences for a free society.

Timur Kuran at the Ratio InstituteTimur Kuran at the Ratio Institute
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Timur Kuran is a Professor of Economics, Political Science and Islamic Studies at Duke University. Here he discusses his talk Clashes with and within Islam.

Amichai Magen at the Ratio InstituteAmichai Magen at the Ratio Institute
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Amichai Magen is an Associate Professor and the Head of the Diplomacy & Conflict Studies Program at the The Lauder School of Government at IDC Herzliya. Here he discusses his talk The Terrorism-Populism Threat to the Free Society.

Leszek Balcerowicz at the Ratio InstituteLeszek Balcerowicz at the Ratio Institute
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Leszek Balcerowicz is a Professor of Economics at Warzaw School of Economics. He is also the former Chairman of the National Bank of Poland and Polands former Deputy Prime Minister.

Anders Åslund at the Ratio InstituteAnders Åslund at the Ratio Institute
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Anders Åslund is a Professor of International Economics at Georgetown University and a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. Here he discusses his talk The Russian Threat and the Need for Reform.

Stefan Kolev at the Ratio InstituteStefan Kolev at the Ratio Institute
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Stefan Kolev is a Professor of Economics at University of Applied Sciences Zwickau and the Wilhelm Röpke Institute Erfurt. Here he discusses open societies in Eastern Europe.

Jacob T Levy at the Ratio InstituteJacob T Levy at the Ratio Institute
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Jacob T. Levy is a Professor of Political Science and Political Theory at McGill University. Here he discusses his talk Liberal Ideals and the Future of Constitutionalism.

John Tomasi at the Ratio InstituteJohn Tomasi at the Ratio Institute
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John Tomasi is a Professor of Political Science and Philosophy at Brown University. Here he discusses his talk Economic Liberties and Human Rights.

David Schmidtz at the Ratio InstituteDavid Schmidtz at the Ratio Institute
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David Schmidtz is a Professor of Philosophy at University of Arizona. Here he discusses his talk Human Capital in the 21st Century An Essay on Markets In Education.

Zingales, McCloskey, Karlson and Kuran on populism and the free societyZingales, McCloskey, Karlson and Kuran on populism and the free society
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And also: the Ratio dialogue

Deirdre McCloskey, Luigi Zingales and Timur Kuran are some of the sharpets minds in academia today. They have all written extensively on the foundations of liberal societies. In conjunction with a special meeting with the Mont Pelerin Society on the populist threats to the free society and the reconstruction of the liberal project hosted by the Ratio Institute in Stockholm Sweden, they got together for a dialogue on some of the most pressing issues of our time. Professor Nils Karlson, CEO of the Ratio Institute and author of the book Statecraft and Liberal Reform in Advanced Democracies (Palgrave Macmillan), was the chair of the discussion.

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