Varför implementerar politiker ineffektiva policys?

Anders Gustafsson, Reforms Inefficiency, Special Interest Groups, Strategic Obfuscation

Tidigare litteratur tyder på att politiker hindras från att genomföra effektiva reformer på grund av intressegrupper eller budgetbegränsningar. Trots det genomförs varje år ett stort antal nya program och policyer i industriländer. Många av dessa policys är ofta selektiva och visar sig vara ganska ineffektiva vid utvärdering, samtidigt tenderar de att vara små i storlek och omfattning.

I sin sammanfattning skriver Anders Gustafsson ”this paper studies the reasons why a rational politician would implement an inefficient public policy that is intended to obfuscate the difficulties in achieving reforms. The paper uses a simple competence signaling model that suggests that if an effective reform is impossible, engaging in strategic obfuscation through an inefficient program increases the probability of winning a re-election compared to doing nothing at all. This is because an inefficient reform does not lead voters to believe that the politician is incompetent, which a lack of action risks doing. Intentional inefficiency aiming to obfuscate the difficulty of efficient reforms can therefore complement the previous theories’ explanations of political failure.”

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