Call for Papers: Knowledge and policy change

Colloquium for Young Social Scientists, Daniel Béland, Företagandets villkor, Henrik Malm Lindberg, Kunskap, Michael Howlett, Peter Santesson-Wilson, Politisk förändring

Knowledge and policy change

The 2011 Ratio Colloquium for Young Social Scientists

Stockholm, August 11-13, 2011

The aim of this colloquium is to bring together research and researchers in different fields dealing with policy change, knowledge and learning. We therefore invite young scholars, including graduate students, in political science, economics, law and economics, sociology, economic history, and related fields to submit proposals for a cross disciplinary colloquium/workshop to be held in Stockholm in August 2011.

In addition to paper sessions there will be two plenary sessions, one of which will be given by Daniel Béland, Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and professor at University of Saskatchewan. The other will be held by Michael Howlett, Burnaby Mountain Chair and Professor of Political Science at Simon Fraser University.

Deadline for applications is March 11, 2011. Deadline for paper submission is June 13, 2010.

In charge of this colloquium are Henrik Lindberg and Peter Santesson.

Call for papers

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