Federalism på svenska

Företagandets villkor, Gissur Ó. Erlingsson, Joakim Nergelius, Johan Almenberg, Jörgen Ödalen, Konstitution


I resten av Europa och övriga världen har för- och nackdelar med ett mer federalt styrelseskick diskuterats sedan länge. Så dock inte i Sverige, trots att begreppet federalism har stor relevans för den pågående politiska debatten om förändringar i den svenska kommunala och regionala strukturen, liksom för diskussionen om det sjunkande politiska deltagandet och offentlig sektors bristande effektivitet. Syftet med antologin FEDERALISM PÅ SVENSKA är att råda bot på denna brist.

I FEDERALISM PÅ SVENSKA analyserar tio statsvetare, jurister, historiker och nationalekonomer federalismens möjligheter och tillkortakommanden i dagens Sverige. Vad innebär federalism och hur skulle ett mer federalt statsskick kunna fungera i Sverige? Måste verkligen alla kommuner och landsting följa samma regler och vad händer om de inte gör det? Bör regelverket för kommundelars utträde underlättas och göras mer rättssäkert? Vilka är effekterna av den kommunala skatteutjämningen på det lokala företagsklimatet och arbetskraftens rörlighet? Hur kan vi dra lärdom av den finska utvecklingen? Vad kan vi lära av andra europeiska federala staters likheter och olikheter? Och hur sannolik är egentligen en federal utveckling för Sveriges del? Det är några av de frågeställningar som behandlas utifrån nya, stimulerande och ibland även motsatta perspektiv.

Karlson, N. & Nergelius, J. (red.) (2007). Federalism på svenska. Stockholm: Ratio.

Johan Almenberg
Niclas Eklund
Gissur Ó Erlingsson
Nils Karlson
Anders Lidström
Lisbeth Lindeborg
Joakim Nergelius
Siv Sandberg
Erik Wångmar
Jörgen Ödalen

Nils Karlson &
Joakim Nergelius

Liknande innehåll

Does local government corruption inhibit entrepreneurship?
Artikel (med peer review)Publikation
Wittberg, E., Erlingsson, G. Ó., Wennberg, K.


Publicerat i

Small Business Economics, 62(2), 775-806


The dominant ‘sand in the wheels’ view holds that entrepreneurship is strongly inhibited by corruption. Challenging this, the ‘grease the wheels’ view maintains that corruption might increase entrepreneurship in highly regulated economies. We extend the basic predictions of these theories by examining entrepreneurs’ start-up decisions, as well as their location choices, in a seemingly low-corruption environment: Swedish municipalities. Combining a validated index of corruption perceptions in local government with population data on new entrepreneurs, nested logit models reveal that even in a low-corruption setting such as Sweden, perceptions of corruption can deter latent entrepreneurs. We also find that a minority of entrepreneurs relocate from their home municipalities to establish their start-ups elsewhere. Surprisingly and contrary to expectations, these relocating entrepreneurs often relocate from relatively low-corruption municipalities to others that are more corrupt. Implications for future research and public policy are discussed.

The openness of open innovation in ecosystems
Artikel (med peer review)Publikation
Öberg, C., & Alexander, A.



Open innovation has rendered increased interest both in practice and research, and has expanded from dyadic transfers of ideas, to ecosystem levels. Knowledge is at the heart of open innovation, and this paper describes and discusses knowledge-transfer linkages for open innovation. It does so based on a literature review. The paper links together open innovation research with general management research to categorise and discuss linkages among parties in terms of their openness and how they relate to knowledge management. Conclusions indicate that openness needs to be considered in different dimensions that also links to different knowledge management outcomes. The paper’s contribution consists of how it connects open innovation research to the general management literature, and how it builds a practical understanding of how linkages between firms can be categorised to aid firms to consider which mechanisms they may choose and why.

A revised perspective on innovation policy for renewal of mature economies – Historical evidence from finance and telecommunications in Sweden 1980–1990
Artikel (med peer review)Publikation
Eriksson, K., Ernkvist, M., Laurell, C., Moodysson, J., Nykvist, R. & Sandström, C.



What is the role of innovation policy for accomplishing renewal of mature industries in Western economies? Drawing upon an unusually rich dataset spanning 9752 digitized archival documents, we categorize and code decisions taken by policymakers on several levels while also mapping and quantifying the strategic activities of both entrant firms and incumbent monopolists over a decade. Our data concerns two empirical cases from Sweden during the time period 1980–1990: the financial sector and the telecommunications sector. In both industries, a combination of technological and institutional upheaval came into motion during this time period which in turn fueled the revitalization of the Swedish economy in the subsequent decades. Our findings show that Swedish policymakers in both cases consistently acted in order to promote the emergence of more competition and de novo entrant firms at the expense of established monopolies. The paper quantifies and documents this process while also highlighting several enabling conditions. In conclusion, the results indicate that successful innovation policy in mature economies is largely a matter of strategically dealing with resourceful vested interest groups, alignment of expectations, and removing resistance to industrial renewal.

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