Tillväxt genom stöd

Financing of Innovations, Företagandets villkor, Företagsstöd, Forskning, Patrik Tingvall, Spillovers, Tillväxtanalys


Tillväxtanalys skriver varje år en bok om ett tema som sammanfattar myndighetens arbete. 2015 lyfter myndigheten fram företagsstödens roll och effekter på den ekonomiska tillväxten i rapporten Tillväxt genom stöd – en bok om statligt stöd till näringslivet (Tillväxtfakta 2015) som Patrik Tingvall är huvudansvarig för tillsammans med Enrico Deiaco, avdelningschef Tillväxtanalys.

Idag lägger staten ca 30 miljarder kronor på stöd till näringslivet (ca 3% av BNP). Ett viktigt syfte är att genererar tillväxt och öka sysselsättningen. Hur väl fungerar de statliga stöden? Vilka begränsningar finns? Finns det nya instrument som bättre kan få de önskvärda effekterna?

Tingvall, P. & Deiaco, E. (2015). Tillväxt genom stöd – en bok om statligt stöd till näringslivet. Tillväxtfakta 2015. Tillväxtanalys.

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Ratio Working Paper No. 351: Knowledge Spillovers in the Solar energy sector
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Grafström, J.


Publicerat i



The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the existence and possible direction of international knowledge spillovers in the solar energy sector. Specifically, the paper investigates how the accumulation of solar energy patents and public R&D spending affected the output of domestic granted solar energy patents. The econometric analysis relies on a data set consisting of most of the OECD countries plus China and analyzes two time periods; from 1990 to 2014 and the years 2000 to 2014. To analyze the data material, a Poisson fixed-effects estimator based on the Hausman, Hall and Griliches (1984) method was used. The empirical findings suggest that the domestic accumulation of patents and R&D is important for the potential development of new ones. Indeed, early investment in specific technology can be an indicator of future leadership in that field.

Bureaucrats or Markets in Innovation Policy? – a critique of the entrepreneurial state
Artikel (med peer review)Publikation
Karlson, N., Sandström, C., & Wennberg, K.



This paper takes stock of recent suggestions that the state apparatus is a central and underappreciated actor in the generation, diffusion and exploitation of innovations enhancing growth and social welfare. We contrast such a view of “the entrepreneurial state” with theories and empirical evidence of the microeconomic processes of innovation in the modern economy which focus on well-functioning markets, free entry and competition among firms, and independent entrepreneurship as central mechanisms in the creation and dissemination of innovations. In doing so, we identify several deficiencies in the notion of an entrepreneurial state by showing that (i) there is weak empirical support in the many hundreds empirical studies and related meta analyses evaluating the effectiveness of active industrial and innovative policies, that (ii) these policies do not take account of the presence of information and incentive problems which together explain why attempts to address purported market failures often result in policy failures, and that (iii) the exclusive focus on knowledge creation through R&D and different forms of firm subsidies ignores the equally important mechanisms of knowledge dissemination and creation through commercial exploitation in markets. We discuss how a more theoretically well-founded focus on the state as investing in knowledge generation and securing the conditions of free and competitive markets will lead to a more innovative economy.

Working Paper no. 331: Bureaucrats or Markets in Innovation Policy? – A critique of the entrepreneurial state
Working paperPublikation
Karlson, N., Sandström, C. & Wennberg, K.


Publicerat i

Ratio Working Paper


This paper takes stock of recent suggestions that the state apparatus is a central and underappreciated actor in the generation, diffusion and exploitation of innovations enhancing growth and social welfare. We contrast such a view of “the entrepreneurial state” with theories and empirical evidence of the microeconomic processes of innovation in the modern economy which focus on well-functioning markets, free entry and competition among firms, and independent entrepreneurship as central mechanisms in the creation and dissemination of innovations. In doing so, we identify several deficiencies in the notion of an entrepreneurial state by showing that (i) there is weak empirical support in the many hundreds empirical studies and related meta analyses evaluating the effectiveness of active industrial and innovative policies, that (ii) these policies do not take account of the presence of information and incentive problems which together explain why attempts to address purported market failures often result in policy failures, and that (iii) the exclusive focus on knowledge creation through R&D and different forms of firm subsidies ignores the equally important mechanisms of knowledge dissemination and creation through commercial exploitation in markets. We discuss how a more theoretically well-founded focus on the state as investing in knowledge generation and securing the conditions of free and competitive markets will lead to a more innovative economy.

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