Working Paper No. 154. Using Self-employment as Proxy for Entrepreneurship

PublikationWorking paper
Carl Magnus Bjuggren, Dan Johansson, Egenföretagande, Entreprenörskap, Företagandets villkor, Mikael Stenkula


Research on entrepreneurship has received an increased amount of interest in recent years, with self-employment being used as the most common proxy for “entrepreneurship” in empirical studies. However, there are various ways of defining selfemployment, making it a somewhat dubious proxy. This may flaw the analysis, especially in cross-country studies, since the documentation of data often is insufficient and difficult to access due to language barriers. We present an analysis of Swedish self-employment data. We show that the measurement of self-employment has changed over time to noticeably affect the reported number of self-employed in the two major statistical sources on self-employment. The reported development of self-employment sometimes differs diametrically depending on source. Sweden is occasionally erroneously reported to show the largest increase in selfemployment in cross-country studies. Our study mimics the results of other country-specific analyses and we conclude that well-grounded conclusions require that the advantages and disadvantages of different statistical sources are recognized.

Bjuggren, C.M., Johansson, D. & Stenkula, M. (2010). Using Self-employment as Proxy for Entrepreneurship: Some Empirical Caveats. Ratio Working Paper No. 154.

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Questioning the Entrepreneurial State, 219.


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The book can be downloaded here.

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Konkurrens, selektion och entreprenöriellt lärande – Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2019 till Boyan Jovanovic
Artikel (utan peer review)Publikation
Andersson, M., Braunerhjelm, P., Delmar, F., Rickne, A., Stenkula, M., Thorburn, K. & Wennberg, K.


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Denna artikel presenterar 2019 års pristagare av Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research – Boyan Jovanovic – och vilka bidrag han har gjort inom entreprenörskapsforskningen. Även om Jovanovic är en välkänd och välciterad ekonom inom akademin är måhända hans explicita bidrag inom entreprenörskapsforskningen inte lika välkända. Jovanovic har bidragit till en ökad förståelse av vem som egentligen blir entreprenör och entreprenörskapets betydelse för såväl företagsstruktur som innovationskraft och ekonomisk tillväxt.

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