Working Paper No. 171. New Start-ups and Firm In-migration Evidence from the Swedish Wholesale Trade Industry

PublikationWorking paper
Företagandets villkor, Företagsstorlek, Företagstillväxt, Jobbskapande, Migration, Niklas Elert, Niklas Rudholm, Småföretag, Sven-Olov Daunfeldt


The purpose of this paper is to distinguish between the determinants of new start-ups and in migration of firms using a data-set that covers 13,471 limited liability firms in the Swedish wholesale trade industries during the period 2000- 2004. Our results indicate that the presence of a university more than doubles the expected number of entrants and increases the expected number of in-migrating firms with 30%. A large share of educated workers and a high local unemployment rate is also associated with more start-ups and firm in-migration.

Related content: Start-ups and firm in-migration

Daunfeldt, S-O., Elert, N. & Rudholm, N. (2011). New Start-ups and Firm In-migration Evidence from the Swedish Wholesale Trade Industry. Ratio Working Paper No. 171.

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Do Targeted R&D Grants toward SMEs Increase Employment and Demand for High Human Capital Workers?
Daunfeldt, S. O., Halvarsson, D., Tingvall, P. G., & McKelvie, A.


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Most previous studies on the employment effects of government R&D grants targeting SMEs are characterized by data-, measurement-, and selection problems, making it difficult to construct a relevant control group of firms that did not receive an R&D grant. We investigate the effects on employment and firm-level demand for high human capital workers of two Swedish programs targeted toward growth-oriented SMEs using Coarsened Exact Matching. Our most striking result is the absence of any statistically significant effects. We find no robust evidence that the targeted R&D grant programs had any positive and statistically significant effects on the number of employees recruited into these SMEs, or that the grants are associated with an increase in the demand for high human capital workers. The lack of statistically significant findings is troublesome considering that government support programs require a positive impact to cover the administrative costs associated with these programs.

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Jobbskapande och produktivitet i små kontra nya företag
Artikel (utan peer review)Publikation
Andersson, M., Henrekson, M., Jack, S., Stenkula, M., Thorburn, K., Wennberg, K. & Zander, I.


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Denna artikel presenterar 2020 års pristagare av Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research – John Haltiwanger – och de bidrag han har gjort inom entreprenörskapsforskningen. Haltiwanger har bl a bidragit till att förbättra vår förståelse av hur jobb skapas och försvinner, kartlägga vilka faktorer som styr produktivitet samt analysera hur småföretag bidrar till den ekonomiska utvecklingen. Hans forskning har inspirerat såväl policydebatt som nationella statistikmyndigheter världen över.

Andersson, M., Henrekson, M., Jack, S., Stenkula, M., Thorburn, K., Wennberg, K. & Zander, I. (2021). Jobbskapande och produktivitet i små kontra nya företag. Ekonomisk Debatt, 2021(7).

The Effect of Marshallian and Jacobian Knowledge Spillovers on Jobs in the Solar, Wind and Energy Efficiency Sector
Artikel (med peer review)Publikation
Aldieri, L., Grafström, J., & Vinci, C. P.


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Energies, 14(14), 4269.


The purpose of this paper is to establish if Marshallian and Jacobian knowledge spillovers affect job creation in the green energy sector. Whether these two effects exist is important for the number of jobs created in related fields and jobs pushed away in other sectors. In the analysis, the production efficiency, in terms of jobs and job spillovers, from inventions in solar, wind and energy efficiency, is explored through data envelopment analysis (DEA), based on the Malmquist productivity index, and tobit regression. A panel dataset of American and European firms over the period of 2002–2017 is used. The contribution to the literature is to show the role of the spillovers from the same technology sector (Marshallian externalities), and of the spillovers from more diversified activity (Jacobian externalities). Since previous empirical evidence concerning the innovation effects on the production efficiency is yet weak, the paper attempts to bridge this gap. The empirical findings suggest negative Marshallian externalities, while Jacobian externalities have no statistical impact on the job creation process. The findings are of strategic importance for governments who are developing industrial strategies for renewable energy.

Aldieri, L., Grafström, J., & Vinci, C. P. (2021). The Effect of Marshallian and Jacobian Knowledge Spillovers on Jobs in the Solar, Wind and Energy Efficiency Sector. Energies, 14(14), 4269.

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