Rethinking education – se inspelning
NyheterNils Karlson, President and CEO Ratio, Associate Professor
Skills for Growth – An Introduction

Greg Butler, Worldwide Education Leaders Strategy, Founder Collaborative Impact
Teaching 21st Century Skills and Knowledge

Dr Rebecca Ferguson, Lecturer, Institute of Educational Technology, IET, Academic Team, The Open University, London
Educational Futures and the Challenges of MOOCs

Kirsti Lonka, Professor of Educational Psychology of the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences at University of Helsinki, Finland
Practical Skills and Engaging Learning Environments

Det svenska utbildningssystemets utmaningar och potential
Maria Arnholm (FP), Biträdande utbildningsminister med ansvar för vuxen och yrkesutbildning, Utbildningsdepartementet

Nils Karlson, President and CEO Ratio, Associate Professor
En kompetensstrategi för Sverige – summering