Ratio Working Paper No. 233: Is China Different? A Meta-Analysis of the Growth-enhancing Effect from R&D Spending in China
Ratio Working Paper No. 233
Ladda nerSammanfattning
In this paper we examine whether China has benefited more from spending on R&D than other countries by conducting a meta-analysis of the relevant literature on a large number of countries at different stages of economic development. The results suggest that the growth-enhancing effect of R&D spending in China has been significantly weaker than that of other countries. It is thus unlikely that R&D spending has been successful as a key contributing factor to economic growth in China.
Related content: Is China different? A meta-analysis of the growth-enhancing effect from R&D spending in China
Ljungwalla, C. & Gustavsson Tingvall, P. (2014). Is China Different? A Meta-Analysis of the Growth-enhancing Effect from R&D Spending in China. Ratio Working Paper No. 233.