Mer för mindre? Tillväxt och hållbarhet i Sverige

Christian Sandström, Ekonomisk tillväxt, Hållbar utveckling, Jonas Grafström, klimat, Mer för mindre, miljö


Går det att förena ekonomisk tillväxt med hållbar utveckling? Den här boken beskriver hur miljöskadliga utsläpp och användningen av naturresurser i Sverige har förändrats över tid. Sedan 1990 har Sveriges befolkning ökat med drygt 1,6 miljoner och ekonomin nästan fördubblats. Samtidigt har koldioxidutsläppen minskat med 27 procent mellan åren 1990 och 2018, konsumtionen av el, vatten och energi har stått still vilket innebär att ekonomin är nästan dubbelt så effektiv. Av de 26 luftföroreningar Naturvårdsverket mätt sedan 1990 har 24 gått ner fram till 2017. I många fall har det skett mer än en halvering.

Grafström, J. & Sandström, C. (2020). Mer för mindre?: Tillväxt och hållbarhet i Sverige. Ratio.

Liknande innehåll

Working Paper No. 379: Europe’s Future Industrial Landscape: A Green Industrial Location Attractiveness Index
Working paperPublikation
Grafström, J.


Publicerat i

Ratio Working Paper Series.


Increased gas prices, constraints in nuclear power generation, and diminished hydroelectric production have introduced challenges for Europe, coinciding with an emerging green industrialization. Utilizing data from the European Commission and Eurostat, we introduce the Green Industrial Location Attractiveness Index, a tool designed to help assessing locations of future green industrial developments. Our findings highlight Sweden, Finland, and France as probable destinations for green industrial projects. A revealing geographical divide where northern European countries rank higher compared to their southern counterparts. This analysis enhances our understanding of Europe’s changing industrial landscape amidst volatile electricity prices, offering insights for policymakers and investors. An overarching conclusion of the paper is that well-crafted energy policies help mitigate the economic impacts of energy price fluctuations on energy-intensive industries, ensuring that Europe’s industrial landscape remain competitive.

Learning from Overrated Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies: Seven Takeaways
Henrekson, M., Sandström, C., & Stenkula, M.


Publicerat i

Springer Nature.


This chapter integrates findings from several different case studies on mission-oriented innovation policies (MOIPs) and makes use of the existing literature to briefly describe three other missions: The War on Cancer, homeownership in the United States, and the Swedish Million Program. Together with the analyses in the other chapters of this volume, seven takeaways regarding mission-oriented innovation policies are developed and described: (1) wicked problems cannot be solved through missions, (2) politicians and government agencies are not exempt from self-interest, (3) MOIPs are subject to rent seeking and mission capture, (4) policymakers lack information to design MOIPs efficiently, (5) MOIPs distort competition, (6) government support programs distort incentives and result in moral hazard, and (7) MOIPs ignore opportunity costs. These seven takeaways are illustrated using the cases described in this chapter and elsewhere in this volume.

Economic freedom and environmental performance
Graftström, J.


Publicerat i

Handbook of Research on Economic Freedom. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.


In this chapter, the relationship between economic freedom and environmental performance is scrutinized. The analysis relies on comparing countries’ standing in the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) of the Yale Centre for Environmental Law & Policy with two indexes of economic freedom, one developed by the Fraser Institute (Economic Freedom of the World index), and the other by the Heritage Foundation (Index of Economic Freedom). Whether economic freedom is good or bad for the environment depends on how it affects incentives, productive efforts, and effective resource use. Greater economic freedom can both harm and help environmental performance. It is a complicated relationship, but high economic freedom generally goes hand in hand with high scores in the EPI.

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