Working Paper No. 259: Women as directors owners and CEO

PublikationWorking paper
Financing of Innovations, Företagandets villkor, Johanna Palmberg, Louise Nordström, Nationalekonomi, Per-Olof Bjuggren, Styrelsesammansättning


Female leadership is an expanding area of research. It is a popular topic discussed frequently in both academia and in the popular press. Despite this, comparative studies of the impact of female leadership on firm level performance between family and non-family firms are rare. The present study has the ambition to fill this gap. This paper investigates female leadership in family firms and how it affects firm profitability. A unique database of ownership and leadership in private Swedish firms makes it possible to analyze difference in firm performance due to female leadership in family and non-family firms. Even though much has been written regarding the role of women in family firms we do not know so much about how female leadership in family firms affect the profitability of the firm. The analysis indicates that female leadership makes much more of a positive difference for performance in family firms. The effect is negative in non-family firms.

Bjuggren, P-O., Nordström, L. & Palmberg, J. (2015). Women as directors owners and CEO. Working Paper No. 259.

Liknande innehåll

Ekonomers syn på äganderätt, från Adam Smith till nutid
Artikel (utan peer review)Publikation
Bjuggren, P.-O.


Publicerat i

Ekonomisk Debatt.


Synen på äganderätt som den uppfattas av ekonomer har förändrats över tid. På Adam Smiths tid sågs äganderätt som en exklusiv rätt till en sak/egendom som gällde mot alla. Under början av 1900-talet skedde en förändring mot att se äganderätt som en rättslig relation mellan personer. Med en sådan syn försvinner den tidigare distinktionen mellan äganderätt och kontrakt. Ekonomer har kommit att anamma den nya synen. Under senare tid har det vuxit fram en kritik mot ekonomer som visar att den nya synen förbiser viktiga aspekter av äganderätt och har implikationer för transaktioner, stordriftsfördelar och opersonlig handel.

Working Paper No. 355: The artificial intelligence (AI) data access regime: what are the factors affecting the access and sharing of industrial AI data?
Working paperPublikation
Bjuggren, P.O. & Long, V.


Publicerat i

Bjuggren, P.O. & Long, V.


This paper decomposes the factors that govern the access and sharing of machine-generated industrial data in the artificial intelligence era. Through a mapping of the key technological, institutional, and firm-level factors that affect the choice of governance structures, this study provides a synthesised view of AI data-sharing and coordination mechanisms. The question to be asked here is whether the hitherto de facto control—bilateral contracts and technical solution-dominating industrial practices in data sharing—can handle the long-run exchange needs or not.

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